I recently had surgery...

If you follow me on facebook and instagram, you might have noticed that I mentioned having surgery. I didn’t elaborate or give any details. I didn’t mean to be vague but maybe I did. I share some of my life on social media, but I don’t give too many details. I have had a few people reach out and ask me about it and I have no problem sharing my stories when asked. I think that by sharing our stories, we can be of service to others because our stories can be a source of encouragement, validation and comfort (among other things) to others.

Enjoy Life

I know you probably hear this a lot, but it’s true… life really IS short. We have no idea what the future holds: when our last breath will be, when we will lose someone, if something will happen that changes our lives completely…etc.

You are Enough

Believing that we are good enough does not mean we don't want to improve ourselves and grow. It means we know that no matter where we are in our growth, we are satisfied in knowing that we have done our best, and because that is all we can do, it's enough and we are enough.

Grateful for the Memories

When memories of past friends and family come up, be grateful for them. Try not to think of the negative aspects of them or the situation surrounding your relationship. Just think about the good times. We’ve already learned from the negative aspects. It’s time to let them go.

Understanding Anger

I am a strong believer in feeling feelings. If we don’t feel our feelings, we bury them and they bloom as resentment and bitterness and can also turn into destructive behaviors, ruining relationships with others and ourselves.