Lessons from The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Lessons from The Power of Your Subconscious Mind


     A high school student struggled in school, especially with Math.  She had pretty much given up on ever becoming great at it, but she still did her best realizing that her “best” wasn’t good enough to pass the class.

     In her room was a book her mother had purchased for her at a thrift store.  It had been sitting there for quite some time.  One day without thinking, she began to read it. 

     She was surprised that she could be so absorbed and inspired by a book.  It was called “The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind,” written by Joseph Murphy.  It satisfied so many questions she had been having in her spiritual and personal journey.  

     She began to apply the principles to her struggle with Math and she ended up passing the class with a B.  She not only passed the class, but she was proud of this accomplishment. 

     The experience was powerful and the beginning of her love for spiritual and personal growth. She learned that by following her intuition and accepting a gift, she accepted an opportunity for growth. She learned that by applying what she learned, she could change things she didn’t like about her life. She learned that by challenging her limiting beliefs about herself, she could change her reality.  She mindfully thought the unthinkable and the unimaginable until she began to believe it.

     She had often heard people say, “I’ll believe it when I see it," but she had learned first hand that to see, she must first believe.

Sending Love,

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Leticia Rae

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