Enjoy Life

Enjoy Life

You are ALIVE, so take your LIFE and ENJOY it.

don Miguel Ruiz

I know you probably hear this a lot, but it’s true… life really IS short. We have no idea what the future holds: when our last breath will be, when we will lose someone, if something will happen that changes our lives completely…etc. We really have no clue and we often do not have control of the many things that do happen. What we do have control over is how we choose to respond. Even when difficult things happen, we can choose to enjoy life. We can go through difficult times AND enjoy life. It doesn’t have to be one or the other. The fact is is that life often IS difficult, but we don’t have to go through our days being miserable. We can focus on the little things in life that bring us joy.

What brings you joy? Focus on those things and allow them to get you through the tough times.

<3 Leticia Rae

I hope

I hope

Spilling Coffee

Spilling Coffee