You are Enough

You are Enough

You are enough.

Just in case nobody told you today…you are good enough.

Believing that we are good enough does not mean we don't want to improve ourselves and grow. It means we know that no matter where we are in our growth, we are satisfied in knowing that we have done our best, and because that is all we can do, it's enough and we are enough.

Leticia Rae

You are enough. Believe it.

One thing I've learned throughout the years is that no matter how down on ourselves we get, we are doing better than we think. Let's not be so hard on ourselves. We are doing our best and when that's not good enough, we do better. The fact that we care enough the be down on ourselves shows how much we care. We are doing better than we think.

Leticia Rae

I'm never going to be perfect, so I won't even try. I will do my best to embrace my imperfections, strive to do better where I can, be grateful for what I do well, and that will be enough. Perfection doesn't exist and I'd rather be real, honest and silly.

Leticia Rae

6 Truth for When you Don't Feel Good Enough

1. Almost everyone feels inadequate sometimes, but all you can do is your best.
2. Offer yourself the same support and understanding that you would to a dear friend.
3. Not being perfect makes you a better human.
4. You are more than your accomplishments and your possessions.
5. You can't simply wish negative thoughts away. Instead, try showing some curiosity.
6. You're not actually in competition with anyone else.

Psych Today

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